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British Antarctic Survey Twin Otter aircraft Meteorological Airborne Science INstrumentation (MASIN) core data for the Aerosol Cloud Coupling and Climate Interactions in the Arctic (ACCACIA) project.

Update Frequency: Not Planned
Latest Data Update: 2014-03-31
Status: Completed
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Citable
Publication Date: 2014-09-10
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 87 Files | 10GB


ACCACIA was part of the NERC Arctic research programme. (NERC Reference: NE/I028858/1). ACCACIA aimed to improve our understanding of aerosol-cloud interactions in the Arctic, and the potential changes and feedbacks that may result from decreasing Arctic sea ice cover in the future. In situ measurements have been made during two field campaigns utilising ship-based measurements of surface aerosol sources and airborne measurements of aerosol and cloud microphysical properties, boundary layer dynamics, and radiative forcing. The observations have been complemented by modelling studies on a range of scales: from explicit aerosol and cloud microphysics process modelling, through large eddy simulation and mesoscale models, up to global climate models.

This dataset contains meteorological data measured by the Meteorological Airborne Science INstrumentation (MASIN) onboard the British Antarctic Survey Twin Otter aircraft in the North Sea and Svalbard, Norway during the Aerosol Cloud Coupling and Climate Interactions in the Arctic (ACCACIA) project (2013).

Citable as:  British Antarctic Survey (2014): British Antarctic Survey Twin Otter aircraft Meteorological Airborne Science INstrumentation (MASIN) core data for the Aerosol Cloud Coupling and Climate Interactions in the Arctic (ACCACIA) project.. NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre, date of citation. doi:10.5285/0844186db1ba9e20319a2560f8d61651.
Keywords: ACCACIA, BAS Masin, temperature, dew point, humidity, wind speed


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
Previously used record identifiers:
Access rules:
Public data: access to these data is available to both registered and non-registered users.
Use of these data is covered by the following licence(s):
When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

Data were collected and prepared by the British Antartic Survey (BAS) before delivery for achiving at the BADC.

File Format:
Data are netCDF formatted

Citations: 1

The following citations have been automatically harvested from external sources associated with this resource where DOI tracking is possible. As such some citations may be missing from this list whilst others may not be accurate. Please contact the helpdesk to raise any issues to help refine these citation trackings.

Elvidge, A.D., Renfrew, I., Edwards, J.M., Brooks, I.M., Srivastava, P. & Weiss, A.I. (2022) Improved simulation of the polar atmospheric boundary layer by accounting for aerodynamic roughness in the parameterisation of surface scalar exchange over sea ice.

Process overview

This dataset was generated by instruments deployed on platforms as listed below.

Mobile platform operations

Mobile Platform Operation 1 Mobile Platform Operation for: BAS Masin Twin-Otter aircraft
Output Description


  • units: number_per_cm2
  • long_name: Aerosol concentration spectra measured by grimm 1.109 opc - flow corrected for pressure
  • standard_name: aersol_concentration_spectra
  • var_id: grimm
  • names: Aerosol concentration spectra measured by grimm 1.109 opc - flow corrected for pressure, aersol_concentration_spectra
  • units: number_per_cm2
  • long_name: Aerosol concentration spectra measured by grimm 1.109 opc - flow corrected for pressure and inlet and tube losses
  • standard_name: aersol_concentration_spectra_corrected
  • var_id: grimmcorr
  • names: Aerosol concentration spectra measured by grimm 1.109 opc - flow corrected for pressure and inlet and tube losses, aersol_concentration_spectra_corrected
  • units: m
  • long_name: Altitude from GPS
  • standard_name: gps_altitude
  • var_id: altg
  • names: gps_altitude, Altitude from GPS
  • units: m
  • long_name: Altitude from radar altimeter
  • standard_name: radar_altitude
  • var_id: altr
  • names: Altitude from radar altimeter, radar_altitude
  • units: none
  • long_name: Missing data value used for filling
  • standard_name: missing_data
  • var_id: miss
  • names: missing_data, Missing data value used for filling
  • units: Pa
  • long_name: Pressure in manifold calculated from static pressure and true airspeed corrected for temperature
  • standard_name: pressure_in_manifold
  • var_id: pm
  • names: pressure_in_manifold, Pressure in manifold calculated from static pressure and true airspeed corrected for temperature
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative humidity in manifold from humicap
  • standard_name: relative_humidity_in_manifold
  • var_id: rhm
  • names: Relative humidity in manifold from humicap, relative_humidity_in_manifold
  • units: percent
  • long_name: Relative humidity measured in Rosmount from humicap
  • standard_name: relative_humidity_air
  • var_id: rha
  • names: relative_humidity_air, Relative humidity measured in Rosmount from humicap
  • units: Pa
  • var_id: ps
  • standard_name: static_pressure
  • long_name: Static pressure from aircraft port
  • names: static_pressure, Static pressure from aircraft port
  • units: K
  • long_name: Temperature in manifold - measured
  • standard_name: temperature_in_manifold
  • var_id: tm
  • names: temperature_in_manifold, Temperature in manifold - measured
  • units: micrometers
  • long_name: The boundaries of the grimm bins N+1 numbers
  • standard_name: bin_boundaries
  • var_id: gsize
  • names: bin_boundaries, The boundaries of the grimm bins N+1 numbers
  • units: K
  • standard_name: air_temperature
  • long_name: air temperature measured with normal Rosemount - corrected
  • var_id: atn
  • names: air_temperature, air temperature measured with normal Rosemount - corrected

Co-ordinate Variables

  • units: degrees_north
  • standard_name: latitude
  • var_id: lat
  • long_name: Latitude from GPS
  • names: latitude, Latitude from GPS
  • units: degrees_east
  • standard_name: longitude
  • var_id: lon
  • long_name: Longitude from GPS
  • names: longitude, Longitude from GPS
  • standard_name: time
  • var_id: time
  • long_name: Time of measurement
  • units: seconds since start of day
  • names: time, Time of measurement
Temporal Range
Start time:
End time:
Geographic Extent
